The Comic Muse
Short Fiction & Poetry
Rory Dedalus' Religious Phase, Part 2

Paid episode

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Rory Dedalus' Religious Phase, Part 2

The Voice of His Generation returns to The Catacomb. But will it mean triumph, or disgrace?

Eventually, a new thought occurred to Daisy. What was the point of her taking her ball like this and going home? It wasn’t going to teach Rory anything. He needed to learn that authenticity wasn’t a game, that you couldn’t go around pretending you got religion every time you saw a pretty face with a little gold cross around her neck. He was Rory Dedalus. He was made for greatness. If it took a major sacrifice for him to realize who he was truly meant to be, then that’s what Daisy would give him…

from “Rory Dedalus’ Religious Phase” by Daniel McInerny

Listen to or read the first part of the story here…

This post is for paid subscribers

The Comic Muse
Short Fiction & Poetry
Original stories and verse by Daniel McInerny
Daniel McInerny